Item entering into Grid system.

i have made up GUI grid inventory that i have placed into my main camera with its own hot bar what i need help with is collecting an item and having it place into my grid system. the game play is like mario 2D, what i’m hoping you guys can help me with is walking over an item have it be destroyed and then appearing into my inventory. if anybody can help i would really appreciate it!

#pragma strict
import System.Collections.Generic;

//Private Var’s
private var GridValue : float = -1;

// Inventory
// var GridPostition : Vector2 = new Vector2(10,5);// Right/Left : Up/Down
// var GridSize : Vector2 = new Vector2(142,205.9);//How Big Blocks Are

// var WindowPostition : Vector2 = new Vector2(10,2);
// var WindowSize : Vector2 = new Vector2(250,250);

var InventoryWindow : Texture;
var Grids : Texture;
var horizRatio = Screen.width / 800;
var vertRatio = Screen.height / 600;

function OnGUI()
// Pos/Size of Inventory
// GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(WindowPostition.x, WindowPostition.y, WindowSize.x, WindowSize.y), InventoryWindow);
// GUI.EndGroup();

// Grid Inventory
GridValue = GUI.SelectionGrid(Rect(7,4,Screen.width/2.8, Screen.height/1.28), GridValue, Grids, 4);


and my hot bar:

#pragma strict

private var GridValuee :  float = -1;

//		var GridPostitionn : Vector2 = new Vector2(131.21,231.92);//Right/Left : Up/Down
//		var GridSizee : Vector2 = new Vector2(200,40); //how big blocks are

//		var WindowPostitionn : Vector2 = new Vector2(10,2);
//		var WindowSizee : Vector2 = new Vector2(250,250);

var InventoryWindoww : Texture;
var Gridss : Texture[];

function OnGUI()

//		GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(WindowPostitionn.x, WindowPostitionn.y, WindowSizee.x, WindowSizee.y), InventoryWindoww);

//		GUI.EndGroup();

GridValuee = GUI.SelectionGrid(Rect(Screen.width/5, Screen.height/1.01 - 35/1, Screen.width/1.9, Screen.height/12 ), GridValuee, Gridss, 5);


new at this but all figured out