Hello. One problem that worries me is that there is too little detail in the unit. but for my game I need a high drawing range. A screenshot of the problem is attached:
Hello @mozgov111poise ,
Would you mind to explain in further detail what exactly you want to accomplish?
I mean… What do you mean with “too little detail” or “high drawing range”.
Your explanation will help us to understand better your issue in order for us to help you
I need to increase the draw range of various renderers so that there is no blur too close
I think you mean anisotropic filtering, you can change its settings in your camera
I think you need to look at the screenshot and see that the detail is lame and you need to do something about it
Hello @mozgov111poise ,
If what you’re talking about is how bad or blurred your texture looks like when you look at it on a steep angle (as it is on you attached screenshot), then the suggestion from @Kayntt is what you should try.
The anisotropic filtering is a method of enhancing the image quality of textures on surfaces that are at oblique viewing angles with respect to the camera. You can learn more about it here: Anisotropic filtering - Wikipedia
You can adjust the anisotropic settings in the texture import settings: Unity - Manual: Texture Import Settings
If you set the type of texture as “Default” type you’ll be able to adjust the anisotropic level from 1 to 9.
Try making this value higher for the texture that you’re using on the ground
You can also check more information about anisotropic in Unity here: Unity - Manual: Importing Textures
Finally, you can use Unity’s Quality settings to force anisotropic filtering for all Textures or disable it completely: Unity - Manual: Quality
I hope this helps!