Hi all, this is my first comunity question, im newbie in unity and a Junior programmer at all, starting a project for a game that has an Selector display for Items and Weapons for separate on game of the player Inventory and a selector always on the same position controlled all with Keyboard/Gamepad.
Maybe you all can remember the old MGS1 Inventory Selector where items are added on “L” position this way:
0 2 4
Original MGS1 Screen :
Each number corresponding on the position / Slot was appearing in the Inventory/Selector and the player can Slide this Slots with the arrow Keys and Select the Item always is at the 0 position, while you are Sliding the slots are in an infinite loop where the Slot exiting from one side of this “L” mask its returning from the other Side.
Well… I dont know if I’m explaining well at this, but thats what I want to achive . At the moment I have a prefab of the Slot Gameobject ( The frame , The Background ( Only blue when item is at pos 0 “Selected”) ,The item Name Text and the Ammount of that item Text “0/0” format ) . This Slots at the moment theyre created from Instances of this prefab GameObject dynamiclly with an offSet X or Y calculation when the item %2 != 0 for the vertical or horizontal positioning of this “L” display , but Im not sure if this is the best solution for this problem.
The Gameobjects are instanciated on a Panel with an “L” mask image inside the HUD_Canvas Ive created.
So for resume, what Im asking its how can I achive this “L” infinite Carousel effect Inventory display and Selector the best Easy Way in your Opinion Like Metal Gear Solid 1 on Psx please, because Im really stucked on this at the moment.
Thank you in advance.