It's been a year, still can't install Unity. What even?

No matter what I try, installing Unity editor won’t work. It downloads everything and then shows “INSTALLATION FAILED: Something went wrong installing Unity”.

No matter what version I try.

No matter what modules I install.

No matter if I’m logged in or not.

And I tried to use Unity a year or so ago as well. How can you even explain a mainstream software that just refuses to install, and that too without any useful debug info? How many times do I need to download it all, just to see the same error message?

And that’s not the end of it. Installing through the website? Now you can’t install the modules. Try to download them individually from their websites? Unity would either not find the relevant files or it would say “version not supported officially”. Have tried it on three different computers, two different networks. Same problem every time. Nothing in the logs.

Try updating the hub (if you didn’t do it before)

On version 2.4.5

Could you please update your Hub to V3 and check if you’re still having the same issue?

To switch to V3, open/download Unity Hub then switch to Beta Channel:

  • Click Settings (GEAR icon)
  • Go to Advanced
  • In the Release Channel drop-down, choose “Beta”
  • Wait for background download. When it’s ready, you will see a message to Restart Hub to start using V3.

To switch back to V2, repeat the steps above, but choose “Production” instead.

So this is what happened: It showed failed again. I then clicked to retry, but seeing it would restart from the beginning, I canceled it. Then two seconds later Windows security pop-up asks me if I want to allow Unity to make changes. I allow and then it waits for a moment and now it is installed. I don’t know how it works but I would request you to look into the matter so that folks in the future don’t face the same issue.

I see. I’ll raise this issue with the Hub team!
In the meantime, I would suggest you to report this as a bug using the Bug Reporter within the Hub.
To do it, go to Account Settings > Troubleshooting > Bug Report


I did report that bug. I thought this was a common enough thing that would be fixed in the past couple years (I have seen forums listing this same problem since 2019!) but I’m quite surprised it is still a thing. Either way, I would give all the details to the Q/A team and hopefully, this will all get sorted out.


Could you please provide the ID of the bug ticket? Thank you :slight_smile:

Having same problem. None of the Unity Editors will load and there seems to be additional issues with Unity licenses being read.

I recommend you to also log it as a bug. The steps to do it are in this thread!

1368266 is my bug ticket. I last replied on 5th of October, no reply since :frowning:

Hey there! Just saw that the ticket got resolved! :slight_smile:
I’ll update this thread as resolved as well.
Thank you so much!