It's looking BAAAD!

I downloaded the Character Creator from the Unity website and added the assets to my assets folder. I had to merge the new Library folder with my Library folder. Then I realized that requires Unity Pro so I deleted all the stuff I downloaded. I didn’t delete any of the library files, but now almost none of my objects show up. The ones created in Unity are pink and the others don’t have any materials assigned to them.

Is there any way to reverse this? I’m quite upset right now.

Backup the project directory elsewhere before making a ass of oneself.

I can count luckily one hand how many times Ive done this, Okay maybe i lie.


The Asset store uses Asset inport and you do not want to copy merge projects together manually, such as mixing Library folder together.

Watch for trouble when you are merging the only real safe way is asset export inport. once they are in a project “export prefab asset” then open other project and then inport prefab asset".

You can safely copy scripts around even drop models in while unity editor is in use, It will not have a problem but materials will most likely need to be re-assigned. Links loose the associated connections between objects and scripts that is why we inpor t/ export asset prefabs.

anytime you inport a store asset that you know will alter a project significantly make a backup first of this working project folder, Once you have done this Create a new project and inport the new Asset and test that,

Then you create a new prefab, Select all the objects you are interested in the scene, drag the objects into the prefab, Select all the dependencies “Menu Assets”. then export… Doing it in this manner is useful for not duplicating things you do not want when you inport into other projects.

Hopefully im somewhat clear

Ok. Since it’s too late to do that now, what would be a good thing to do now?

Start again and copy the scripts over that you use.

I guess I’ll do that.

Ok, well thanks for the advice. I believe I know what you’re talking about, runner. I will try that in the future.

Unfortunately, if the materials in the project got messed up, deleted, etc. (clear indicator of why there are glowing pink objects everywhere), then I’m afraid there is nothing you can do if the project was not backed up. I know that’s not what you want to hear, but I guess if anything, you can come away with an important lesson in good file backup practices.
This is actually one of the few things I don’t agree with in Unity’s workflow, it is very destructive if you’re not experienced and careful.