Itunes-connect sku number what is it?

Hi Guys
I am in the process of submitting my game however in the itunes connect section it asks for a sku number?
any ideas what that is?
and how to deal with that request.

also it asks for a support url do I have to have one?

its just a number for yourself, your internal product code. think something up :wink:


I’m also (or last night/early morning) went through the same process. In the end all the info is in these forums and without them I’m not sure I would have managed it - as it was it took about four hours!

Support url - I think as long as you have some website that you refer to this can be the same one for a support url. Many people seem to do that - and most of the info on the websites is the same as submitted to the app store. A friend just used his own personal space and that app was accepted.

Couple of things that caught me out in case it helps:

  1. Distribution certificate process - just follow each step by step on the iphone dev website to get the correct code signing.
  2. iTunes Connect was so slow I couldn’t upload the binary - it would time out - but using the Application Loader it worked fine.

Well… I think it did - as I’m now In Review!

Hope you manage to battle your way through the process.

sku… just used date and version number - it’s apparently only for your reference

thanks for your input guys just finished the submission proccess what a nightmare could apple make it any harder to submit? damn dont think I have any hair left now but job done!! so am a Happy chappie…

My advice for anyone submitting is not to use firefox it throws up errors well it did when i used it…used safari and it worked fine…
so fingers crossed My First Iphone Game will be out within a few days

hm, i did use firefox and it worked fine, maybe that was just a temporary error… oooor… maybe the newest idea of the so creative apple marketing :wink:

Don’t think its a temporary error
I think apple didn’t forsee that there is such an interest in the platform actually so their servers just can’t handle it.
I’ve had times where I did not even get into iTunes Connect anymore due to timeouts and my 22mbit 25ms to apple server latency connection is not exactly slow