iTween MoveTo doesn't move. [C#]

It worked perfectly this morning, but now the float thingy doesn’t work (the rest works fine)
Does anyone know why this is happening?

		if (transform.position.x >= 5.5)

			iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, iTween.Hash(new Vector3(7.87f, 0.0f, -3.2f), 3.0f, "onComplete", "setPosAndSpeed", "onCompleteTarget", gameObject));

(It is located inside update)

Missing “position” key in iTween.Hash(). Change your code to this:

if (transform.position.x >= 5.5f) {
    iTween.MoveTo (gameObject, iTween.Hash ("position", new Vector3 (7.87f, 0.0f, -3.2f), "time", 3.0f, "oncomplete", "setPosAndSpeed", "oncompletetarget", gameObject));

Note: key names in iTween.Hash are in small letters.