I am using the “MoveTo” command for iTween on my main camera to do a smooth panning up to the main menu for my game. The issue is, is that when we approach the last parts of the animation it slows down a ton and then jumps to the final position I wanted it at. Is this just an issue with my frame rate or is there a setting I don’t have set up? Kinda lost at this point.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Here’s my iTween script I’m using for the camera pan.
public void Start()
Did you get this figured out? If not, I believe your issue is the default easetype. I had the same issue until I changed my easetype to linear or EaseInOutSine. Once I changed it, the movement was perfectly smooth. Not sure what the default easetype is, but it definitely doesn’t seem to be linear.
Add something like this to your Hash: “easetype”,iTween.EaseType.linear