iTween MoveTo jump between paths

Hello everyone. I wonder if it is possible to jump from one path to another using ITween MoveTo. The first image shows how currently does. The second shows what I want to do

Current Code:
void Start () {

		iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, iTween.Hash("path", iTweenPath.GetPath("caminho2"),"time", 6,"easetype",iTween.EaseType.linear,
		                                      "orienttopath", true,"oncomplete", "OnComplete"));

	public void OnComplete(){
		Debug.Log("some values");
		iTween.MoveTo(gameObject, iTween.Hash("path", iTweenPath.GetPath("caminho3"),"time", 6,"easetype",iTween.EaseType.linear,
		                                      "orienttopath", true));		

I have one potential solution for you. Make the visible object a child of an empty game object at the same position. You use iTween on the empty game object. When you make the jump, you set the localPosition of the visible object so that it is still at the previous position. So you have the last point in the previous path and the first point in the next path.

 transform.localPosition = lastPointPrevious - firstPointNext;

…then you have a bit of code in the visible child:

 void Update() {
      transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(transform.localPosition,, Time.deltaTime * speed);

This will cause your visible object to catch up to the moving empty game object over time.