Whenever I go to import System.Colelctions.List, Rider’s first suggestion is something called J2N.Collections. This appears to be a port of the Java standard library. I have not been able to track down what references it, but I only have Unity libraries installed. This appears a new thing that crept in, because it was not appearing in beta 6.
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Found it:
I don’t know what “com.unity.searcher” is. It appears to be an editor-only package, and I’m worried that I’ll accidently reference it in runtime code since so many classes have the same names/APIs as .NET ones. Also, it just feels like “bad form” to have the Java standard library exposed if it’s not actively requested by the developer.
Hi @burningmime ,
This has been brought up in the forum before: https://discussions.unity.com/t/854066
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