Jagged Shadows in Baked Lightmaps (Unity 5)

Rumor on the street is Unity is aware of it and are working on a fix which is coming down the beta pipeline in an update, but not sure when the official fix will be released… if anyone can chime in with more information it would be much appreciated.

I’m pretty disappointed at how broken Unity 5 continues to be now months after its release.

Yah, I’m not switching until 5.3 at least. Did the same with U3 to U4, seemed to work out pretty well.

I’m experiencing the same issue. Unity 5.1.2p2. Google brought me here.

Notice the jaggies on the chair leg. There is no reason, they are mapped well and take up a large portion of the UV layout. Anti-aliaising samples does nothing.

Can you show me your Uvs?

I don’t think it has anything to do with the UV’s.

to do with the UV’s.

Try to use some decent seams before uv unwraping.

EDIT: to don’t look to critic.

Very constructive. Thanks. FYI the chair renders and bakes fine in UE4.

I get zero errors from the UV mapping. Especially when baking in other applications!! The fact that Unity will totally alter UV1 or UV2 during light mapping is part of the problem.

The UV’s check fine in Marmoset. Thanks.

Notice how Unity likes to ignore Preserve UV’s even for UV2 during the lightmap process. It’s a bug. It will do the same thing to UV1 or UV2. Unity will scale, shift, even cut the geometry.

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It can be better but is not terrible… is quite good… try elements vertical or horizontal never in diagonal because you can get jagged lines. Maybe this is not the case but it could be…

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More evidence that this has nothing to do with the UV mapping.

AA is not being applied during the lightmapping process, regardless of the Anti-alising Samples. Even if the chair legs take up a large portion of the lightmap.

Thanks. Surely AA should be applied here during the baking process, hence the bug? There is a setting for this but it seems to be ignored. We shouldn’t have to baby sit every single process.

UE4 handles this asset perfectly fine during baking.

I have the same problem… as you can see in my post

You totally ignored my post. “preserve UV” doesn’t work. Unity will alter the UV’s however it sees fit to pack. Rotate, move, scale etc.

The chair maps totally fine. No smoothing issues, no normal issues (as visible in Marmoset). It tiles just fine. It is also split into parts.

Anti-aliasing clearly isn’t being applied during the baking process. It’s a bug.

You get same result with realtime GI?

I am with you i think is a bug… what videocard do you have? Maybe some setting in your driver… just gessing… like you i am getting very frustated i see a lot of potential in enlighten but is full of bugs… i also have the uvs incongruency problem and i will add. a lot of artifacts,light leaking,bad atlasing,slow render times and not smart enough to render just individual pieces.

I doubt is a video card problem.

To the OP: I don’t see a screen shot of your model import settings. Do you have the Generate LightMap UVs option checked on the model? I was getting some very bad lightmap results until I enabled that setting.

So what you are showing are the UVs used for realtime. That’s not going to shed a whole lot of light on the situation. I agree we haven’t exactly named this too well. To view the UVs used in the baking then please select an object and select Baked Intensity in the “Lighting [Panel] → Object → Preview [Pane]” dropdown.

Also, try using final gather to improve the baked lighting.

In pre 5.2 we had bugs in the way UVs were handled so we have improved this in 5.2 and the results should be better there. If you are Pro customer you can grab it already. If not then wait till Tuesday.

If that doesn’t make your results better I will want to take a look.


Had a look at the scene. The main problem is the UVs, they are all in a single island even though the normals should have introduced cuts between the faces, such that geometry with a hard cut between them end up in separate UV islands. If this does not happen there will be light/shadow bleeding between the faces which can show up as severe jaggies.

This seems to be a bug in our unwrapper. Reducing the hard angle to 10 fixes the issue, but the angles between the faces are really obtuse so the default of 88 degrees should have caught that. So we will look into why this happens.

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Nicer cliffs :wink:

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Hello everyone;

Actually for me the problem is still there even after unity 5.2.
I have downloaded many 3d model from turbosquad from multiple modelers and the same problem keeps happening.

please help me solve this, I never faced this in Unity 4!