java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method setRequestAgent(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/google/androi

Hello! I’m facing this crash on my Google Play console for some players, but I can’t reproduce it by myself.
I’d like to know what could be the cause for this and a possible fix for it.
As I can see it is happening in multiple devices and on multiple android versions.
My game is running properly, just some players are getting this problem, and I couldn’t find any answers yet.
Here is the full log.

Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method setRequestAgent(Ljava/lang/String;)Lcom/google/android/gms/ads/AdRequest$Builder; in class Lcom/google/android/gms/ads/AdRequest$Builder; or its super classes (declaration of ‘$Builder’ appears in —
at com.unity3d.scar.adapter.v2100.requests.AdRequestFactory.getAdRequest (
at com.unity3d.scar.adapter.v2100.requests.AdRequestFactory.buildAdRequest (
at com.unity3d.scar.adapter.v2100.signals.SignalsCollector.getSCARSignal (
at com.unity3d.scar.adapter.v2100.signals.SignalsCollector.getSCARSignalForHB (
at com.unity3d.scar.adapter.common.signals.SignalsCollectorBase.getSCARBiddingSignals (
at com.unity3d.scar.adapter.common.ScarAdapterBase.getSCARBiddingSignals (
at (
at (
at$fetchSignals$1 (
at (

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I forgot to mention that I’m using AppLovin SDK to mediate ads.

Hi! I encountered exactly the same problem. I found the cause in the incompatibility of the creative version (which was supplied by the ad network) and the current version of Unity ads. I updated all the mediation versions, released the builds, and everything got fixed. Also, temporarily disabling ads from the Unity networks helped.

Thanks for the answer, I’m going to update my MaxSDK and the Unity ads adapter. I’m still not sure if it is going to fix because I didn’t find any fix related to this on the changelog. If you can, I’d like to know which version of SDK you were using and what is the version that you have updated.

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You could see in your stack trace unity ads service. Same as I have.

at (
at (
at$fetchSignals$1 (

My unity ads version:
old: 4.9.2 → new: 4.11.3

You can also simply disable Unity ads for a while and check if the crashes disappear.

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Just an update here, I got an answer from unity ads support and they said that it is solved on Unity Ads SDK 4.10.0 version.


@Bionics07 are you talking about Unity Ads Legacy? Cause the last version is 4.4.2.
I have such errors: “No virtual method load(Lcom/unity3d/ads/UnityAdsLoadOptions;)V…”