Java Script Inequalities

I need help with this, I have looked up references for the last 30 minutes.

var Value1=guiText.text;
var Value2=1;
function OnGUI()
(GUI.Button(Rect(0.55, 0.75, 25, 25), “Feed”));
if(Value1 >= Value2))
GameObject.Find(“GameObject”).GetComponent(GUIText).Text = “Nice, you can buy more feed in the store.”;
The debug says that The symbol >= Cannot be used to the left hand side of an integer, and to the right hand side of a string

I suggest you use always the type declaration in javascript. So, for example,

var Value1: String=guiText.text;
var Value2: int=2;

If you do this later it is clear you can not compare an integer number with a string…
Hope this help

try int.parse or system.convert to convert the string safely into a number for your comparison.