JavaScript, Accessing a PoolManager from another Script

Hello, I am trying to institute a pool manager for my Instantiations but I can’t seem to access it from my script that needs to call for the pooled prefabs. I’ve looked through some other answers and tried everything suggested wit no luck. Could someone please take a look and let me know where I’m going wrong? Thank You

Pool Manager:

#pragma strict
import System.Collections.Generic;

var explosion : GameObject;
var willGrow : boolean = true;
private var pooledExplodes = new List.<GameObject> ();
private var headExplodeAmount : int;

function Start () {

for(var i : int = 0; i < headExplodeAmount; i++)
			var obj : GameObject = Instantiate(explosion);


function GetPooledExplode() (GameObject) : GameObject {

	for(var i : int = 0; i < pooledExplodes.Count; i++)

  •  		{*

_ return pooledExplodes*;_
var obj : GameObject = Instantiate(explosion);_
return obj;_

* return null;*
* }*
Script that needs pooled explosions:
#pragma strict
import System.Collections.Generic;

var hitPoints = 100.0;
var damage = 5.0;

var PoolManager : GameObject;

function Start ()

var bodyDestroyObject : GameObject = GameObject.FindWithTag (“Zombie”);
if (bodyDestroyObject != null)
bodyDestroy = gameObject.GetComponentInParent (BodyDestroy2);
if (bodyDestroy == null)
Debug.Log (“Cannot find ‘BodyDestroy’ script”);


function ApplyDamage (damage : float) {

* if (hitPoints <= 0.0)*
* return;*

* hitPoints -= damage;*
* if (hitPoints <= 0.0) {*


* obj.transform.position = transform.position;*
* obj.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;*
* obj.SetActive(true);*
*} *
* Detonate ();*

* }*

function Detonate () {

* bodyDestroy.Kill();*
* hitPoints = 100.0;*


I was able to figure it out if anyone was interested.

Here’s the change I made in the script calling to the pool:

#pragma strict
import System.Collections.Generic;

var hitPoints = 100.0;
var damage = 5.0;
private var bodyDestroy : BodyDestroy2;
private var poolManager : PoolManager;

function Start ()
   var bodyDestroyObject : GameObject = GameObject.FindWithTag ("Zombie");
    if (bodyDestroyObject != null)
        bodyDestroy = gameObject.GetComponentInParent (BodyDestroy2);
    if (bodyDestroy == null)
        Debug.Log ("Cannot find 'BodyDestroy' script");
  var poolManagerObject : GameObject = GameObject.FindWithTag ("PoolManager");
    if (poolManagerObject != null)
        poolManager = poolManagerObject.GetComponent (PoolManager);
    if (poolManager == null)
        Debug.Log ("Cannot find 'PoolManager' script");


function ApplyDamage (damage : float) {

	if (hitPoints <= 0.0)
	hitPoints -= damage;
	if (hitPoints <= 0.0) {

//This is what worked to call for the pooled explodes
	poolManager.GetPooledExplode(GameObject).transform.position = transform.position;
   			poolManager.GetPooledExplode(GameObject).transform.rotation = transform.rotation;
hitPoints = 100.0;