Hi guys!
I’m pretty new to Unity and scripting and I could get rid of most of the problems that occurred so far. But now I’m having a little prob with a function which I want to destroy an initiated game object.
My aim is to spawn a fireball in each hand of the caster (parented the hands temporarily to make them follow the hands) with this function:
function SpawnFireballInBothHands(){
var FireballLH : GameObject;
var FireballRH : GameObject;
FireballLH = Instantiate(FireballPrefab, magicSpawnPointLHand.position, magicSpawnPointLHand.rotation);
FireballRH = Instantiate(FireballPrefab, magicSpawnPointRHand.position, magicSpawnPointRHand.rotation);
Debug.Log("> Fireballs initiated");
Works fine so far, but I can’t access the fireballs through a different function. I guess it’s because the variables aren’t declared as private ones, but when typing ‘private var FireballLH…’ instead of ‘var …’, Unity tells me that it’s
‘expecting }, found private’.
Any suggestions? Declaring them as ‘private’ outside a function would result in the player being able replace the fireballs each time the spell is casted, even if the fireballs are still flying, wouldn’t it?
Thx in advance,