I can’t get the valid syntax for this in javascript:
var playerList = new List.<Player>();
var jsonData : String = '[{"id":0,"forename":"aaa","surname":"bbb"},{"id":1,"forename":"ccc","surname":"ddd"}]';
playerList = Serializer.Deserialize.<List.Player>(jsonData); // Here's the problem
// List<Player> playerList = serializer.Deserialize<List<Player>>(jsonData); // This should be C# if I got the code correct from examples which I googled.
public class Player {
var id : int;
var forename : String;
var surname : String;
function Player() {
Error is “BCE0018: The name ‘List.Player’ does not denote a valid type (‘not found’).”
So please, how is the correct syntax for JS?