JavaScript: GUI Box help

I’m getting a lot better in programming now. But I can’t figure out the GUI problem that I am having. If you look down to function OnGUI() I want to display those lines that are in comments inside a single GUI box. Can anyone help me? Thanks! :slight_smile:

//Rui Test JS.

var currenthealth : int=100;
var maxhealth : int=100;

var display_1 : GUIText;

var currentmagic : int=100;
var maxmagic : int=100;

var display_2 : GUIText;

function update() {

if (currenthealth < 0) {

currenthealth = 0;



if (currentmagic < 0) {

currentmagic = 0;


function OnGUI() {

//"Magic :  " + currentmagic + "/" + maxmagic;
//"Health : " + currenthealth + "/" + maxhealth;


I think you will find answer here Unity - Manual: IMGUI Basics