Javascript TextAsset to Generic Dictionary

I have read around and it seems the best way to use a text file like a hashtable is with a generic dictionary. Of course, easier said than done. There are plenty of examples on parsing text files, but none on passing them into a dictionary that I have found.
I have cobbled together some code from the limited information/examples that exist on Javascript dictionaries. It doesn’t work , but I’m not sure why. I can get the code to compile without errors, so I assume the syntax is OK(if conceptually incorrect/incomplete), but it fails to find the key/value pairs in the dictionary. Error message is

KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.

I suspect there might be two errors: one in how I understand splitting the text file into arrays, and another in how I understand adding/fetching key/value pairs in a dictionary.

I am a novice, so please excuse some of my ignorance. Any advice would be appreciated. Code is below:

Text file is just this:


Code attached to GameObject is:

#pragma strict
import System.Collections.Generic;

/* Load the text file */
var textFile : TextAsset;
/* Create an dictionary for the values in the file */
var textInfo = new Dictionary.<String,String>();

function Start () {

	/* split the text file up by newline characters */
	var textLines : String [] = textFile.text.Split("/n"[0]);

	/* loop through each line in the file */
	for ( var thisLine : String in textLines ) {
	/* split each line by asterisks into array of two variables*/
	var valueString : String [] = thisLine.Split("*"[0]);
	/* add the two variables in the array into the dictionary as a key and value*/
	textInfo.Add(valueString[0], valueString[1]);

function Update () {


function OnGUI () {
	/* make a labelled box to show a string pulled from dictionary by key*/
	GUI.Box (Rect (10,10,80,80), textInfo["NUMB"]);


You can do basic debugging using Debug.Log to see what the actual results of your code are compared to what you might expect. Examples are

Debug.Log (textLines.Length);
Debug.Log (thisLine);
Debug.Log (valueString[0] + " " + valueString[1]);

In this case the result of the first one (that the length of the array is 1) indicates that something fundamental is going wrong. A closer look reveals that in fact you are splitting on the “/” character, which doesn’t occur in your data file. To indicate a newline character, use " ".