Javascript 'who called me' problem? ANSWERED

In Unityscript - Javascript. Say you have game object A which has a component script B. Then you have game object C with component script D. Component script D has a function “happyFunction”.

B will call happyFunction in D.

Imagine there are a number of other game objects (E, F, G and K) which individually also have script components, which also from time to time call happyFunction in D.

Question … inside D, is there a way of knowing “who called us” ? Was it game object A, E, F, G or K ? (Further perhaps, which component?)

I am completely and totally aware of workarounds for this, programming philosophy involved, etc etc etc, thanks … does anyone know the answer to the question?

#Jahroy supplies the answer:
var tt = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace();
print("courtesy Jahroy 2012 : " + tt.GetFrame(1).GetMethod().Name );

Awesome. Thank you very much Jahroy. And thanks to Bunny, here is the c#

using System.Diagnostics;
StackTrace st = new StackTrace();

Usually when you design a function, you have to think about what information it needs. If this function have to know something about another GameObject, pass it as parameter.

function HappyFunction(aObject : GameObject)
    // here you can access components, the name, the position, the tag, whatever of aObject

you would call the function like this:


If it can only be called from a certain script, attached to multiple objects, you can also pass the script instance directly

function HappyFunction(aCaller : MyScriptName)

and call it like that to pass the reference of the current script:


Note: the second method works only if it’s the same script type, or at least a derived class.

The question is how do you distinguish between those GameObjects? The only true difference is the instance-reference. The name, tag, layer of multiple GameObjects can be the same.

I was all excited to read your question (after the last debacle) since I've had to do this before.

Unfortunately you and Bunny beat me to the punch with the solution I used.

Luckily I can still help with the javascript portion of your question.

You can do it like this:

var theTrace = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace();

I used a technique like this for logging in the past.

The javascript syntax isn't always documented, but it seems like you can always guess it if you try certain tricks... in this case I guess the syntax was the same.

I had a heck of a time guessing at how to use the TextureImporter functions when I wrote my platform override wizard. Luckily that will be obsolete when Unity 3.5 comes out.