Hi guys ,please can a C# scripter help me out with this ? ,I am using Jfinish.cs from the Jcar ,but i want to add a loadlevel command after X amount of laps completed ,I am useless at C# so I wondered if anyone could point me in the right direction
my guess would be adding a line at the end of the script like
IF (round) = X then loadlevel(2)
I just have no idead how to C# this line lol anyone ?Is it this simple or am I missing something ;p
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class JFinish : MonoBehaviour {
public GUISkin guiskin;
public JSpawnGhosts spawnGhosts;
public Rigidbody who;
public JPort[] ports;
public int round = 0;
bool started = false;
float startTime;
float bestTime = -1f;
float roundTime = -1f;
float passTime = 0f;
int targetPort = 0;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
for (int i = 0; i < ports.Length; i++) {
JPort p = ports*;*
p.finish = this;*
p.nr = i;*
void ClearPorts() {*
foreach (JPort p in ports) {*
p.passed = false;*
targetPort = 0;*
public bool PassPort(int nr) {*
if (!started) return false;*
if (targetPort == nr) {*
targetPort = nr + 1;*
return true;*
return (nr < targetPort);*
public Vector3 Target() {*
if (started && (targetPort < ports.Length)) {*
return ports[targetPort].transform.position;*
return transform.position;*
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider colInfo) {*
if (colInfo.attachedRigidbody != who) return;*
if (!started) {*
started = true;*
startTime = Time.time;*
passTime = startTime;*
if (spawnGhosts != null) {*
else {*
if (targetPort >= ports.Length) {*
float t = Time.time;*
roundTime = t - passTime;*
passTime = t;*
if ((roundTime < bestTime) || (bestTime <= 0f)) {*
bestTime = roundTime;*
if (spawnGhosts != null) {*
string FmtTime(float t) {*
float sec = Mathf.Repeat(t, 60f);*
int min = (int) (t / 60f);*
return "" + min + ":" + ((sec < 10)?"0":"") + sec.ToString("f2");*
void OnGUI() {*
if (guiskin != null) GUI.skin = guiskin;*
if (!started) {*
GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(Screen.width -128 - 16, 16, 128, 128), "Controls:", GUI.skin.window);*
GUILayout.Label("Use left-right arrow keys to steer, up-down to accelerate, decelerate and space to brake.");*
GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(Screen.width -128 - 16, 16, 128, 128), "Round " + (round + 1), GUI.skin.window);*
float t = Time.time;*
GUILayout.Label("Total time: " + FmtTime(t - startTime));*
GUILayout.Label("Round time: " + FmtTime(t - passTime));*
if (roundTime > 0f) {*
GUILayout.Label("Last round: " + FmtTime(roundTime));*
if (bestTime > 0f) {*
GUILayout.Label("Best round: " + FmtTime(bestTime));*
GUILayout.EndArea(); *