if anyone is intrested…
enum JWheelDrive {
Front = 0,
Back = 1,
All = 2
// if connected the controls will block if object not active
// (for example steer only if car camera is active).
var checkForActive : GameObject;
var wheelFR : Transform; // connect to Front Right Wheel transform
var wheelFL : Transform; // connect to Front Left Wheel transform
var wheelBR : Transform; // connect to Back Right Wheel transform
var wheelBL : Transform; // connect to Back Left Wheel transform
var suspensionDistance : float = 0.2; // amount of movement in suspension
var springs : float= 1000.0; // suspension springs
var dampers : float = 2; // how much damping the suspension has
var wheelRadius : float = 0.25; // the radius of the wheels
var torque : float = 100; // the base power of the engine (per wheel, and before gears)
var brakeTorque : float = 2000; // the power of the braks (per wheel)
var wheelWeight : float = 3; // the weight of a wheel
var shiftCentre : Vector3 = new Vector3(0.0, -0.25, 0.0); // offset of centre of mass
var steer : float;
var accel : float;
var maxSteerAngle : float = 30.0; // max angle of steering wheels
var wheelDrive : JWheelDrive = JWheelDrive.Front; // which wheels are powered
var shiftDownRPM : float = 1500.0; // rpm script will shift gear down
var shiftUpRPM : float = 2500.0; // rpm script will shift gear up
var idleRPM : float = 500.0; // idle rpm
var fwdStiffness : float = 0.1; // for wheels, determines slip
var swyStiffness : float = 0.1; // for wheels, determines slip
// gear ratios (index 0 is reverse)
var gears : float[] = [-10, 9, 6, 4.5, 3, 2.5 ];
// automatic, if true car shifts automatically up/down
var automatic : boolean = true;
var killEngineSoundTimeout : float = 3.0; // time until engine sound is cut off (in s.)
// table of efficiency at certain RPM, in tableStep RPM increases, 1.0f is 100% efficient
// at the given RPM, current table has 100% at around 2000RPM
var efficiencyTable : float[] = [ 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 1.0, 1.0, 0.95, 0.80, 0.70, 0.60, 0.5, 0.45, 0.40, 0.36, 0.33, 0.30, 0.20, 0.10, 0.05 ];
// the scale of the indices in table, so with 250f, 750RPM translates to efficiencyTable[3].
var efficiencyTableStep : float = 250.0;
var currentGear :int = 1; // duh.
// shortcut to the component audiosource (engine sound).
var audioSource : AudioSource;
// every wheel has a wheeldata struct, contains useful wheel specific info
class WheelData {
public var transform : Transform;
public var go : GameObject;
public var col : WheelCollider;
public var startPos : Vector3;
public var rotation : float = 0.0;
public var maxSteer : float;
public var motor : boolean;
private var wheels : WheelData[]; // array with the wheel data
// setup wheelcollider for given wheel data
// wheel is the transform of the wheel
// maxSteer is the angle in degrees the wheel can steer (0f for no steering)
// motor if wheel is driven by engine or not
function SetWheelParams(wheel : Transform, maxSteer : float, motor : boolean) : WheelData {
if (wheel == null) {
throw new System.Exception("wheel not connected to script!");
var result : WheelData = new WheelData(); // the container of wheel specific data
// we create a new gameobject for the collider and move, transform it to match
// the position of the wheel it represents. This allows us to do transforms
// on the wheel itself without disturbing the collider.
var go : GameObject = new GameObject("WheelCollider");
go.transform.parent = transform; // the car, not the wheel is parent
go.transform.position = wheel.position; // match wheel pos
// create the actual wheel collider in the collider game object
var col : WheelCollider = go.AddComponent(typeof(WheelCollider));
col.motorTorque = 0.0;
// store some useful references in the wheeldata object
result.transform = wheel; // access to wheel transform
result.go = go; // store the collider game object
result.col = col; // store the collider self
result.startPos = go.transform.localPosition; // store the current local pos of wheel
result.maxSteer = maxSteer; // store the max steering angle allowed for wheel
result.motor = motor; // store if wheel is connected to engine
return result; // return the WheelData
// Use this for initialization
function Start () {
// 4 wheels, if needed different size just modify and modify
// the wheels[...] block below.
wheels = new WheelData[4];
// setup wheels
var frontDrive : boolean = (wheelDrive == JWheelDrive.Front) || (wheelDrive == JWheelDrive.All);
var backDrive : boolean = (wheelDrive == JWheelDrive.Back) || (wheelDrive == JWheelDrive.All);
// we use 4 wheels, but you can change that easily if neccesary.
// this is the only place that refers directly to wheelFL, ...
// so when adding wheels, you need to add the public transforms,
// adjust the array size, and add the wheels initialisation here.
wheels[0] = SetWheelParams(wheelFR, maxSteerAngle, frontDrive);
wheels[1] = SetWheelParams(wheelFL, maxSteerAngle, frontDrive);
wheels[2] = SetWheelParams(wheelBR, 0.0, backDrive);
wheels[3] = SetWheelParams(wheelBL, 0.0, backDrive);
// found out the hard way: some parameters must be set AFTER all wheel colliders
// are created, like wheel mass, otherwise your car will act funny and will
// flip over all the time.
for (var w : WheelData in wheels) {
var col : WheelCollider = w.col;
col.suspensionDistance = suspensionDistance;
var js : JointSpring = col.suspensionSpring;
js.spring = springs;
js.damper = dampers;
col.suspensionSpring = js;
col.radius = wheelRadius;
col.mass = wheelWeight;
// see docs, haven't really managed to get this work
// like i would but just try out a fiddle with it.
var fc : WheelFrictionCurve = col.forwardFriction;
fc.asymptoteValue = 5000.0f;
fc.extremumSlip = 2.0f;
fc.asymptoteSlip = 20.0f;
fc.stiffness = fwdStiffness;
col.forwardFriction = fc;
fc = col.sidewaysFriction;
fc.asymptoteValue = 7500.0f;
fc.asymptoteSlip = 2.0f;
fc.stiffness = swyStiffness;
col.sidewaysFriction = fc;
// we move the centre of mass (somewhere below the centre works best.)
rigidbody.centerOfMass += shiftCentre;
// shortcut to audioSource should be engine sound, if null then no engine sound.
audioSource = GetComponent(AudioSource);
if (audioSource == null) {
Debug.Log("No audio source, add one to the car with looping engine noise (but can be turned off");
function Update() {
if (Input.GetKeyDown("page up")) {
if (Input.GetKeyDown("page down")) {
var shiftDelay : float = 0.0;
// handle shifting a gear up
function ShiftUp() {
var now : float = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad;
// check if we have waited long enough to shift
if (now < shiftDelay) return;
// check if we can shift up
if (currentGear < gears.Length - 1) {
currentGear ++;
// we delay the next shift with 1s. (sorry, hardcoded)
shiftDelay = now + 1.0;
// handle shifting a gear down
function ShiftDown() {
var now : float = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad;
// check if we have waited long enough to shift
if (now < shiftDelay) return;
// check if we can shift down (note gear 0 is reverse)
if (currentGear > 0) {
currentGear --;
// we delay the next shift with 1/10s. (sorry, hardcoded)
shiftDelay = now + 0.1f;
var wantedRPM : float = 0.0; // rpm the engine tries to reach
var motorRPM : float = 0.0;
var killEngine : float = 0.0;
// handle the physics of the engine
function FixedUpdate () {
var delta : float = Time.fixedDeltaTime;
steer = 0; // steering -1.0 .. 1.0
accel = 0; // accelerating -1.0 .. 1.0
var brake : boolean = false; // braking (true is brake)
if ((checkForActive == null) || checkForActive.active) {
// we only look at input when the object we monitor is
// active (or we aren't monitoring an object).
steer = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");//InputManager.x;
accel = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");//InputManager.y;
brake = Input.GetButton("Jump");
// handle automatic shifting
if (automatic (currentGear == 1) (accel < 0.0f)) {
ShiftDown(); // reverse
else if (automatic (currentGear == 0) (accel > 0.0f)) {
ShiftUp(); // go from reverse to first gear
else if (automatic (motorRPM > shiftUpRPM) (accel > 0.0f)) {
ShiftUp(); // shift up
else if (automatic (motorRPM < shiftDownRPM) (currentGear > 1)) {
ShiftDown(); // shift down
if (automatic (currentGear == 0)) {
accel = - accel; // in automatic mode we need to hold arrow down for reverse
if (accel < 0.0) {
// if we try to decelerate we brake.
brake = true;
accel = 0.0;
wantedRPM = 0.0;
// the RPM we try to achieve.
wantedRPM = (5500.0 * accel) * 0.1 + wantedRPM * 0.9;
var rpm : float = 0.0;
var motorizedWheels : int = 0;
var floorContact : boolean = false;
// calc rpm from current wheel speed and do some updating
for (var w : WheelData in wheels) {
var hit : WheelHit;
var col :WheelCollider = w.col;
// only calculate rpm on wheels that are connected to engine
if (w.motor) {
rpm += col.rpm;
// calculate the local rotation of the wheels from the delta time and rpm
// then set the local rotation accordingly (also adjust for steering)
w.rotation = Mathf.Repeat(w.rotation + delta * col.rpm * 360.0f / 60.0f, 360.0f);
w.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(w.rotation, col.steerAngle, 0.0f);
// let the wheels contact the ground, if no groundhit extend max suspension distance
var lp : Vector3 = w.transform.localPosition;
if (col.GetGroundHit(hit)) {
lp.y -= Vector3.Dot(w.transform.position - hit.point, transform.up) - col.radius;
floorContact = floorContact || (w.motor);
else {
lp.y = w.startPos.y - suspensionDistance;
w.transform.localPosition = lp;
// calculate the actual motor rpm from the wheels connected to the engine
// note we haven't corrected for gear yet.
if (motorizedWheels > 1) {
rpm = rpm / motorizedWheels;
// we do some delay of the change (should take delta instead of just 95% of
// previous rpm, and also adjust or gears.
motorRPM = 0.95 * motorRPM + 0.05 * Mathf.Abs(rpm * gears[currentGear]);
if (motorRPM > 5500.0) motorRPM = 5500.0;
// calculate the 'efficiency' (low or high rpm have lower efficiency then the
// ideal efficiency, say 2000RPM, see table
var index : int = Mathf.Round(motorRPM / efficiencyTableStep);
if (index >= efficiencyTable.Length) index = efficiencyTable.Length - 1;
if (index < 0) index = 0;
// calculate torque using gears and efficiency table
var newTorque : float = torque * gears[currentGear] * efficiencyTable[index];
// go set torque to the wheels
for(var w : WheelData in wheels) {
col = w.col;
// of course, only the wheels connected to the engine can get engine torque
if (w.motor) {
// only set torque if wheel goes slower than the expected speed
if (Mathf.Abs(col.rpm) > Mathf.Abs(wantedRPM)) {
// wheel goes too fast, set torque to 0
col.motorTorque = 0;
else {
var curTorque : float = col.motorTorque;
col.motorTorque = curTorque * 0.9 + newTorque * 0.1;
// check if we have to brake
col.brakeTorque = (brake)?brakeTorque:0.0;
// set steering angle
col.steerAngle = steer * w.maxSteer;
// if we have an audiosource (motorsound) adjust pitch using rpm
if (audioSource != null) {
// calculate pitch (keep it within reasonable bounds)
var pitch : float = Mathf.Clamp(1.0 + ((motorRPM - idleRPM) / (shiftUpRPM - idleRPM) * 2.5), 1.0, 10.0);
audioSource.pitch = pitch;
if (motorRPM > 100) {
// turn on sound if it's not playing yet and RPM is > 100.
if (!audioSource.isPlaying) {
// how long we should wait with engine RPM <= 100 before killing engine sound
killEngine = Time.time + killEngineSoundTimeout;
else if ((audioSource.isPlaying) (Time.time > killEngine)) {
// standing still, kill engine sound.
function OnGUI() {
if (checkForActive.active) {
// calculate actual speed in Km/H (SI metrics rule, so no inch, yard, foot,
// stone, or other stupid length measure!)
var speed : float = rigidbody.velocity.magnitude * 3.6;
// message to display
var msg : String = "Speed " + speed + "Km/H, " + motorRPM + "RPM, gear " + currentGear; // + " torque " + newTorque.ToString("f2") + ", efficiency " + table[index].ToString("f2");
GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(Screen.width - 282, 32, 250, 40), GUI.skin.window);