Jelly Land (Released)

I would like to share a puzzle game we recently finished. We come from Tokyo.
The game’s name is Jelly Land.

There is a short story for the game:
Yobi and his bee friend Kome live happily in the prairie.
One day, a bubble floated from the horizon kidnapped Kome up the sky.
It is said that the bubble floated to the Jelly Land.
So Yobi starts his adventure to find and rescue Kome.


For Mac :

For Android :

For Android Free :

Brilliant use of Coloring, texture and gameplay. :slight_smile:

There are 5 promo code for mac.

  1. 93A4F3RYA6T3
  3. 9WR77H7A4AN9
  4. NL6FM9F9LK4K

Nice looking game! Congratulations on the release.

Used code #5. Can’t wait to play it !

Thanks !!

Thank you play the game.
If you have some questions or , please contact to me.

Just bought it for mac, neat visuals! So far, loving the simplicity of the gameplay :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thank you!
We have updated a new version to mac store.

There is a URL for android. You can download it free.

We make some guide videos today.

Sugoi kawaii! well done! How big is your team?

Nice color scheme!

TO samim23:
We are a small team, only two people.:smile:

This looks great! Will it be coming to iOS?

I just redeemed code number 2. 3 and 4 have already apparently been redeemed by others. I will post my impressions here when I have the time, later.

I just finished the game with 100% completion. Here’s my thoughts.

First, the good. The color scheme pops nicely and the graphics have a minimalistic (in a good way), cartoony feel. The music is relatively catchy and fits the atmosphere.

The gameplay feels like a nice mix of match three puzzle games, Sokoban (そうこばん / 倉庫番) and platform games. The puzzles were satisfying to solve and the difficulty curve was gentle. A few of the leaves could’ve been hidden better, since a lot of them (especially early on) felt like they were pretty hard to miss. The accessories obtained through the leaves are cute, but it would’ve been nice if obtaining them all unlocked an extra level or two.

My biggest problem with the game was simply the lack of variety. Obviously, it’s length (about 2 hours) limits how many new gimmicks you can add to the pot without confusing the player, but I felt like a few more gimmicks would’ve been nice. In particular, it would’ve been nice to have the game be split into three 5 level worlds, with their own environmental gimmicks. For instance, a staple in this sort of game is ice. Pushing a box on ice would cause it to slide until it hit another object. Something like that, tied into a new environment, would’ve went a long way to break the tedium. After an hour or so, the grassland environment was growing stale, as was the music. With a new environment, like the ice one mentioned, you could’ve remixed the music and shifted it up an octave and viola, almost all of the tedium completely disappears.

Here’s an example of what it could look like. Keep in mind I made this in three minutes, tops, so it’s not perfect.

I look at that and imagine sliding around on the ice, and it seems awesome. Just a thought, perhaps for a sequel?

Regardless of any tedium that accrued over my, admittedly, single-sitting playthrough, you did a good job with Jelly Land. With what you did have on offer (moving platforms, cheese blocks, hit switches and pressure switches) you utilized well. I never got stuck for more than a few minutes, yet I didn’t feel like the puzzles were a breeze during the second half of the game, either.

Nice job, overall.

Now, for the more trivial stuff. On the App Store page for the game, the description says that the player collect acorns. However, I thought they were leaves. So, I’m not entirely sure which is correct. I figured they were leaves, since the main character appears to be a tanuki (たぬき). Am I correct on that?

Secondly, have you considered shading the tiles based on height? I found on a few levels that it was a little confusing that all the layers of tiles were the same color. Maybe something like this would’ve helped?

I don’t think it was a big problem, but in some of the more vertical sections it took me longer to process on what layer things were on than I would’ve liked.

Well, that’s about it for my thoughts. If I had to rate the game on a scale of 1 to 10, taking into account the price, I’d give the game an 8. The puzzles are fun, the difficulty curve is just right, the atmosphere is cheery and there’s about 2 hours of content for $1 - $2. I’d love to see a sequel, or a similar type of game, that explores different environments and tools.

Keep up the good work. :slight_smile: