hey does someone knows how to make like a spaceship efects something like this
i mean the
efects of the turbines
hey does someone knows how to make like a spaceship efects something like this
i mean the
efects of the turbines
A good way to get this effect is to launch fairly large particles from a small emitter, giving them some local velocity (in the direction of thrust) and reducing the size of the particles as they travel. The engine glow can be achieved by using a material with the Particles/Additive shader. The texture for the particles should be a fairly dark blurred blob of the desired flame colour against a black background.
I’ve attached a particle system as an example of this type of effect. There are many possible variations you can use to get the effect you want but it should give you a good starting point.
411436–14254–$EngineParticle.zip (49.3 KB)
youre awesome
is that it ?
hey and can you put a tutorial on how to put some laser efects
and like RPG skills effects thanks
Very good…
thanks also…
Just what I needed, thanks!
Unity Cookie is doing a Lunar Lander tutorial and it also has some rocket particle effects…
This is using Legacy Particles… anyone have something like this for Shruiken?
Thanks this works great!
andeeee thanks !
Here you go.
3337045–260406–Engine.zip (7.1 KB)
Thank you for this. Very awesome share.