I followed: Karting Mod: Animate Your World - Unity Learn; and I added so-called “Jiggler” program, but nothing ‘jiggling’ at all.
Looks like you might have to enable those checkboxes in the Inspector, and probably have to be in Play mode to see it in action, too.
Obviously not, and as you can see, Mr. Schneider21, the one of “checkboxes” is checked on the picture above that one. And I tried it on different modes, in Game Mode including, nothing helps, something wrong, and me not understand what.
Ah, yes, obviously. My bad.
Hi there!
I was having the exact same problem!
Here’s the thread where I found my answer:
Basically, you need to move your tree outside of the “Trees” Parent GameObject
In this example, my TreeRound (16) will jiggle but my other TreeRounds will not!
The other thread explains it better but basically something is setup in the Trees parent GameObject that overrides our precious jiggling.
Also, I found that the default “Jiggle” setting was just not enough to be really visible.
I set it to some extreme amounts and found a much more rewarding result: