Jittering, fps jumps (HTC VIVE + big scene with light/shadows)

Hi there,

with the latest editor releases (~5.6, last 1-2 months) I’m experiencing an issue.
I have a big scene (over 1M polygons), 2 months ago everything was fine, but with the latest official releases I have FPS “jumps” like from 50 to 90 fps. Looks like evrything is jittering on the scene (including visual controllers).
If I have 1 direction light with shadows enabled - I have this fps range 50-90 fps,
If I turn off shadows for the light - FPS is stable 89-90 and everything is fine. Also, fps is some better if to look more at static scene objects instead dynamics cars traffic.
If I run the scene without headset - I have stable fps.
Do you have any similar issues or ideas how to fix it ? Thanks !

I’ve had this issue with Richie’s Plank. Even when the light is baked. It happens when there’s too many polygons at the same time or when large textures load / unload I think. I start removing object stuff or remove image effects and it gets better but then it doesn’t look as good.

Have you had and success?

Not yet, I really hope it will be fixed/adjusted in some nearest unity releases = ) (or steam vr plugin updates). I have very same scene with 1 light source and shadows “now” and 2-3 months before. It was perfectly smooth “before”.

Any new updates? Im using 2017.1

well… if to turn off mirrors rendering on my car - FPS is much better and stable. So shortly saying I can’t target issue to lights or cameras or anything else - the point is just that few months ago I had stable 90 fps and now 40-60 by using the same scene…