I have been working to fix a movement bug for roughly 9 hours.
I have a 8x8 sprite that has a wavy / jittery / shaky motion when moving. I have tried everything; interpolation is on, the sprite itself has no compression and uses point (no filter). I created two movement scripts (using public void FixedUpdate() btw), and both scripts used different ways of moving my sprite. I found that the wavering movement still persisted with both scripts, so I believe the code itself is not the issue.
From my own research, it the bug is caused by one of two things:
1: Bug is caused by problems with pixel snapping, and I need to reconfigure my settings regarding pixel perfect cameras, which I have tried to do but to no avail.
2: It has something to do with the most interesting discovery of my bug fixing quest, which is that the bug is caused by the aspect ratio settings. I created a new project to isolate the problem, with only the player_sprite, movementScript, and Player gameObject. The issue still continues, however if I change my aspect ratio, the flickering / waving movement of the sprite is significantly reduced, if not altogether gone. For instance, on custom (playstation) aspect ratio, 4:3 (320x240), the wavering movement is obvious. When I change the aspect ratio to WXGA (1366x768), the wavy / flickering movement is gone. Using Free Aspect, the wavering/flickering during movement is again obvious.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbJiJlPz0RA&ab_channel=JohnTerblanche