Jittering when using SpaceWarp

Hallo all,

i just implemented Application SpaceWarp in my standalone app for Meta Quest 3 and as expected, my fps increased.

However, when i overlook my Scene now, there is a noticeable jittering effect, especially in objects which are far away from the camera. These objects appear to be shifting back and forth rapidly. This is just a slight movement, but it is disturbing.

At first i thought it was because of my custom shaders, but even after switching all materials on large objects to the Universal Render Pipeline/Lit Shader, the problem persists. Z-Fighting shouldn’t be a problem, as the objects have some distance between them.

Is this a known problem? Are there any solutions for this?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Do you have render graph enabled? I think this is a requirement. Issue is that performance on Quest gets worse with render graph enabled, I submitted a bug about this which got accepted, but far no signs of fixing.

Thanks for your reply!
To my understanding, render graph is automatically enabled in URP? (I’m using Version 17.0.3)
I disabled the “Compatibility Mode” Checkbox in Project Settings → Graphics, so it should be working. Or am i missing something?
SpaceWarp itself is working just as expected, there’s just this small jittering.

yes, this should enable render graph.
spaecwarp was added sometime during Unity 6 lifecycle, are you on latest?
I did some small tests only, but went back to 2022 after finding the performance to be bad in render graph, so I cannot really tell whether I saw jittering stuff anywhere.
Spacewarp also needs motion vectors, not sure if there is a way to enable/disable those in Unity 6 URP.

I’m on Unity 6.0.35f1 (the Unity 6 version which is recommended by Unity Hub).
Motion vectors should be enabled with URP standard materials, which i use.