Since update 5.3, execution of the game has been incredibly jittery. Looking in the profiler, the process execution of “ParticleSystem.GeometryJob” is taking 120ms whenever the frame rate stalls, and a huge spike is recorded in the graph (see image below)
After many tests, In my opinion, there is nothing to do, and this is certainly a know issue!
I m just wondering why there isn’t too much post addressing this problem, maybe this error rise in a very specific situation. Or maybe we are missing something after all!
The PS seems to be in focus right now (ref this post) the 5.3 Update was just the first step (first step often means some bugs!), the future updates will push the PS enhancement forward (and solve all what need to be solved! or hope so!) And the good news is that will give the “Next Gen” title to the PS, it will be able to do wonders while being more efficient! (once everything cleared)
This being said, it seems that the legacy particle system don’t suffer from the issue mentioned above and can be used if an urgent fix is needed, though the best thing to do, in my opinion, is to wait for a fix!
Hey @bhayward_incrowd@DrakharStudio - did you manage to sort anything out with this?
I am seeing similar performance to you on an Android build though mine is continuous - not spikes!
It went wrong when I updated from 5.3.1 to 5.3.4 and still broken on 5.3.4.p4.