Good morning! I’ve recently ported one of my prototypes to Oculus Quest, and I’ve noticed that objects moving in the scene go through phases of smooth motion for a few seconds, followed by jittery motion for around a second, then repeating.
I’ve reproduced this with a super-simple project - one object in scene, bouncing left and right by modifying the transform directly, application.framerate set to match XRDevice.refreshRate, Time.fixedDeltaTime set to match XRDevice.refreshRate. I’ve logged a bug report for it (1157271). I’ve tested on 2019.1, .2b and .3a and get the same results.
The issue seems to be related to FixedUpdate not being stepped correctly - looking in the profiler, the smooth sections will have one set of fixed*** calls per frame, and the jittery section will alternate one frame of fixed*** then one frame where fixed*** don’t appear, for 40 or so frames.
If I set physics.autoSimulate to false, and manually tick physics.Simulate, the same issue happens (although the profiler graph looks different).
If I set physics.autoSimulate to false and don’t tick physics.Simulate, the issue goes away (but obviously nothing physics-related works, e.g. collisions or RBs).
Is anyone else seeing this behaviour on a Quest device?