[Job Offer] Looking for Developer


OK I know this is a provocation. Especially with this [Job Offer] kind of tag.

My mistake. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Stardew Valley is neither small nor simple. Per Wikipedia it took 4 years to develop (and many of the game’s current features were added post-release, so if you’re comparing to the current version the timeline is even longer).

Experienced programmers are unlikely to work solely for a percentage, especially if you can’t show strong evidence that your game is very likely to be a commercial success. And that would normally start with showing (among other things) that you have a big enough budget to do a good job, which would probably obviate the need.

Also, I’m not sure how many ways you are imagining splitting the proceeds, but it should be noted that the programming is much more valuable than the idea (by virtue of requiring both much longer hours and a much higher level of training), so if you were imagining a 2-person team where you get the larger share because it’s your idea, that’s probably not going to fly. Everyone has ideas. To justify a larger share for yourself, you’d need to be taking on risk (i.e. putting up your own money to fund it), working more hours, or bringing technical skills at least as advanced as you want your partner to have.