Job system - boid question

The job system works great for situations where the same task is performed on many items.
But how to apply this system when a job has multiple outputs ?
I’m working on a boid system and would like to add spatial hashing, but I’m having trouble getting my head around that.
I’ve got a job that writes each boid’s position hash to a NativeArray, but how to collect these into buckets ?
It would mean that the job would process each boid and write its position somewhere at an arbitrary location of another array? That sounds like job-system-heresy.
Are slices the answer here ?

Thanks in advance, Patrick

Where can one find the best reading material regarding the job system ??

Hello Patrick,

Reading material on the job system and ECS will be released soon. Also included in that package will be a sample that shows how to solve what you are asking.

Awesome, can’t wait!
Possible to give an ETA more specific than Soon™ ?

I want to, believe me I do. But there are a few issues left to fix before we can let it go public. Before we have them nailed, providing a date is just asking to be proved wrong. :slight_smile:

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Gotcha, thanks for clarifying