Job TempAlloc Leak on a fresh unity Instance with NetCode Package

I been following the NetCode Manual and it worked
but when i created a build i it crashed every time at the begining
so i noticed a lot of warnings spamming in editor
i though it was my fault but after a wile, i decided to reate a new project to se if it was a bug from the package

i created a new project in Unity 2019.4.0f1
and just installed the NetCode v0.2.0 preview 5 package

once installed i just hit play
and it starts spaming allocation warnings

I just installed the NetCodePackage, Anything more.

and when i hit play, it shows a lot of warnings.

It also Crash on builds

I haven’t used netcode package if ages but from memory this is currently a limitation on high fps that will hopefully be solved eventually. You can put a cap on your fps for now.


that could be a solution, How can i do that, never did it before?

ok i found how to do that with Application.targetFrameRate
It doesnt warns out anymore!!
Thanks a lot!