Joint 'Break Force' and 'Break Torque'

I haven’t used these two yet - I noticed they destroy the joint, which is not what I want.
If a object has a force exerted externally (not by the player but by a object in a certain layer or whatever), I want it to ‘break’ the bond but not completely destroy the joint completely. Is there a way to do this with Fixed Joints?

I have only very limited experience with joints myself but if there is not two objects attached to each other then what is the purpose of the joint?

From my limited experience with joints, since they are not Behaviors, they pretty much either exist or don’t exist. There is no “disabled” state. So when you dynamically play around with joints you can only destroy or create them, not disable.

I can think of a few of purposes tbh, but you can still have a joint on an object, but no connecting object.
I guess I’ll have to recreate the joint every time it breaks/or wants to reconnect. :wink: