Joint2D Tutorials

Hi all,
I’m trying to look around to find a striaght-forward tutorial on 2D physics (4.3) and how each work, especially on physics behaviours in the folling scenarious:
Physics Example 1
Physics Example 2
Physics Example 3

I’m fully aware of Official Unity Tutorials; However the Joint2D are not covered. It would be real cool to have clear exampls and scenarios of how to use the four Joint2D:

  1. Spring Joing 2D
  2. Distance Joint 2D
  3. Hinge Joint 2D
  4. Slider Joint 2D

Unity 2D Physics is supplied by Box2D. Even though the names of the joints might be a bit different, the functionality is the same.
Here is the best tutorial regarding Box2D Joints (don’t forget to click on the interactive Flash demo at the top of this site)…

Here is the authoritative guide on Box2D…