The difference is unbelivable. It’s like it transformed into next gen when rendered with Jove
I don’t think that should cause any issues. A temporary rendertexture is still a regular rendertexture as far as DirectX is concerned, it is just a Unity wrapper to help manage instances. How is the depth texture passed to TrueSky? The GetNativePTR function Unity has? Also, are you sure it uses the hardware depth buffer and not Unitys depth shader replacement texture?
Jove is gonna run on anything that supports DX11. I am not sure what the target market is for windows store apps, I assume it is mainly tablets? If they run Windows and have a DX11 capable graphics card, then yeah it is going to work. As for phones, I do not think there are any phones which, even if they run Windows, support DX11.
Looking great, be sure to post an update when you rework the texture maps
Haha, thanks. I knew I was missing something. I will have to get onto them about that tomorrow, I’m sure it’s an easy fix on their side to provide the option.
[QUshould braaad, post: 1740114, member: 137636"]Haha, thanks. I knew I was missing something. I will have to get onto them about that tomorrow, I’m sure it’s an easy fix on their side to provide the option.[/QUOTE]
It should be, Jove uses a linear 32 bit floating point buffer, so no fancy decoding needed
Braaad, please let us know what you find out and if you where able to get thinks talking… I hope you don’t mind I’ve been posting quotes from you over on the TrueSky thread.
Thanks August for the “secret” . I can´t get it to work though, becuase of these errors:
Assets/Jove/Demo/Editor/Image Effects/AntialiasingAsPostEffectEditor.js(43,41): BCE0004: Ambiguous reference ‘AntialiasingAsPostEffect’: AntialiasingAsPostEffect, AntialiasingAsPostEffect.
Assets/Jove/Demo/Editor/Image Effects/AntialiasingAsPostEffectEditor.js(44,38): BCE0004: Ambiguous reference ‘AntialiasingAsPostEffect’: AntialiasingAsPostEffect, AntialiasingAsPostEffect.
Do I have to have Jove 1 installed?
EDIT: Never mind. I started a new project and now everything seems fine .
The Jove demo scene uses the default anti-aliasing and vignetting image effects from Unitys Standard Assets. Those errors are basically saying you have two copies of those in your scene.
Under Jove/Demo/ delete the Standard Assets folder and the errors should go away
Love the jove train makeover! Already from messing with the alpha ive noticed how straightforward using Jove makes using PBS shaders, the current implementation is compact, has features as standard that are well integrated and mean maximum beauty at minimum hassle (the 4 channel texture covering most the main maps, colour alpha controlling the smoothness quickly and translucency as standard is quite great and seems to get many possible materials covered on an elegant and small area of inspector), having everything so in harmony is great, a far cry from the hassle of using shaders/assets whatever that seem at odds with their basic environment and each other
Thank you Jove 2.0 was developed in cooperation with a games company and an independent indie game group. We spent quite a while on making sure it was usable and was easy to work with. Projects like this tend to suffer due to lack of artist input, so that has been super valuable.
Looking forward to seeing what you create!
@Licarell I posted this in the other thread, but just letting you know I have emailed him and I’ll post once I have a solution.
The target market for Windows Store Apps is any PC that runs Windows 8, and then the tablets. They all run DX11.
The reason I ask is that currently anti-aliasing doesn’t work with Unity on Windows Store Apps you can’t do AA on the backbuffer, the only way to do it is the staging render texture. So I’m wondering if Jove works around this and supports AA?
Could you do a Windows Store Apps build using Jove and let me know the result?
Jove has no support for MSAA if you’re asking about that particular antialiasing approach. Only post process AA works at the moment.
You are correct. Deferred shading has a number of benefits over forward shading, msaa is not one of them. Currently the only AA availablr is Unitys standard assets post process AA. I am going to write my own temporal AA soon enough, but msaa is unfortunately never going to work, since the technique prohibits it.
This looks great! Can’t wait for it. Some proper AA would be a huuuuuuuuge benefit for this asset. Unity lacks any good AA solution.
I will not be able to access my computer today, but I can test a build tomorrow. If you want me to run a build I can do that, but unfortunately MSAA is out of the picture for deferred shading.
I guess I am the only one who always kind of liked the look of FXAA It does not really solve aliasing from movement though, but it does make pretty still images.
I think the best possible solution would be SMAA support, especially since there already are open-source implementations of it for Unity. Unfortunately they never worked for me, only outputting black screen, but they seemed to work for other people. SMAA is quite more advanced than FXAA and would give less blur, but it’s still a post processing effect that should be fully compatible with your renderer. Not sure if any modifications are even required to get it to work, to be honest - but as I’ve said, I can’t check it myself as it doesn’t work for me even in stock Unity.
I think this is the repo with the last version:
I rather like FXAA too, so you’re alright there
When will you be doing the roll call for most wished for features? Hah i guess thats a bit much now, but do you have a list of must-implement features before the give and take? Id be interested in the near-future roadmap
From my fooling around i’ve deduced that more shadow casters would be very much appreciated and i suppose the anticipated SSR implementation, with those two I can most definitely start some pretty things in motion - Although i’ve spent the morning preparing a model (Or a scene containing quite a few models) for some heavy lifting, could be what the doctor ordered for getting implemented features a voice by including them in the scene as they appear, really quite interested in what can be done with trickery, brain power, and having sudden enormous liberties in ways that i’d never before thought how to use… i dont even know how to compose a scene where the number of lights is of absolutely no concern
I guess with things rolling the only the thoughts are shader authoring, this kind of thing really could be given an enormous bump by Shaderforge (i imagine a wait until after Unite for the author to tackle systems like Jove, and ive no idea how quickly Jove will progress), the idea of this playing nice with Allegorithmics software is a great one! Particularly as Substance Painter is the only real software that I think is already solid, not bug-impaired and catering fully to PBS development, and not a gabillion pounds to buy, and tied naturally with substance designer, which is a great piece of software
Just want some ways to recreate a kind of subtle layered vray shader to get the most realistic or flexible results from a surface, thats not saying a wish to emulate vray that would be absurd, more wanting things like complex fresnel or view angle based blending, multilayered translucent materials, even easy as pie but very impressive ocean shaders and so on) and hand coding that kind of open flexibilty for shaders (and hence really letting this kind of system show its potential) sounds a challenge atm, it’s really not a problem and cant be realistically expected for a while. Just want this thing to do really well, well enough, in fact, that I can use it as my main PC workhorse knowing it’ll support the stuff i know i’m going to want to use, UT will have to pull quite a coup to have U5 look as good and enjoy the cohesion of a dedicated high end renderer as part of the core package. This thing can make Unity have a path towards U4 competition in the graphics oomph department so long as the tools for the content are there
I updated the road map in the main post with a little more information As for layered stuff, I have things planned but I cannot speak of it at the moment, it is too experimental.
I am probably going to look into cooperation with other assets more when I reach beta stage. Reaching beta means I really need to be sure of and lock down most parts of Jove, and there are a few things which are still possibly going to be rewritten.
It says on your road map that you plan to support water shading,but woudnt a glass shader with the correct index of refraction suffice?
[quote=“Aieth, post:38, topic: 547231, username:Aieth”]
It warms my cockles to hear you say that Aieth, no man is an island…
I can’t stand that fact that I have to wait another week before I can crack this open #$^#& CLIENTS!!![/user]