Hi everybody,
I have a small problem, I’m using at the moment JoyCons from the Nintendo Switch as Input. It’s not difficult to get everything running but I only get 8 values ((-1,0),(1,0),(1,1),(-1,-1),…) for the Joystick on the JoyCons them self, while using Input.GetAxis. My Joystick settings are mapped to the “Horizontal” and “Vertical” Tag.
Input Settings: “Horizontal”(Gravity = 0, Dead=0.1, Sensitivity=1, Snap=false, Invert=false, Typ=JoystickAxis, Axis=11th, JoyNum= All Joysticks) same settings for “Vertical” accept Axis is set to 12.
Movement script is easy only applying “movedirection” which takes Input.GetAxis for x and z coordinates to characterController.move(). Debug.Log(Input.GetAxis(“Horizontal”) and Debug.Log(Input.GetAxis(“Vertical”) only return the 8 values (9 if you take (0,0,0) into account), so it has to be the joystick settings or JoyCons only return 8 values but thats rather unrealistic or is it ?XD
Thank you in advance for your reply