JoyCons Joystick Axis (Angle) Problem

Hi everybody,

I have a small problem, I’m using at the moment JoyCons from the Nintendo Switch as Input. It’s not difficult to get everything running but I only get 8 values ((-1,0),(1,0),(1,1),(-1,-1),…) for the Joystick on the JoyCons them self, while using Input.GetAxis. My Joystick settings are mapped to the “Horizontal” and “Vertical” Tag.
Input Settings: “Horizontal”(Gravity = 0, Dead=0.1, Sensitivity=1, Snap=false, Invert=false, Typ=JoystickAxis, Axis=11th, JoyNum= All Joysticks) same settings for “Vertical” accept Axis is set to 12.

Movement script is easy only applying “movedirection” which takes Input.GetAxis for x and z coordinates to characterController.move(). Debug.Log(Input.GetAxis(“Horizontal”) and Debug.Log(Input.GetAxis(“Vertical”) only return the 8 values (9 if you take (0,0,0) into account), so it has to be the joystick settings or JoyCons only return 8 values :smile: but thats rather unrealistic or is it ?XD

Thank you in advance for your reply

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I have the same question, did you find out? Also, how did you know that it uses 11th and 12th joystick?

You can use the Controller Tester from Asset Store to Find out:

Mine are 9th and 10th axis

Since the switch has a continues stick input its got to be the settings or some internal bugs