I just followed some tutorials about implementing a movement joystick for giving it a try instead of using the standard assets which code seems harder to understand.
So i achieved the movement joystick but now i want another joystick for the camera rotation and i can’t figure out how to implement it.
My joystick returns a Vector3 direction which is about 1.0 to -1.0 values in X and Z axis leaving Y axis to 0, which is fine for movement.
Now the question is how i’m supposed to rotate this object having the Vector3 values from my joystick?
Tried many things already transform.rotate, quaternion.euler but i don’t seem to manage a good rotation, also searched quite a lot today but i just find 3rd person related tutorials or some non working snippets.
Ah, i want to point out this is for a 1st person game.
In case it helps this is what i do for movement:
Vector3 movDir = movementJoystick.inputDirection;
rigidBody.position += movDir * (Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed);