That 110f is what is known as a Magic Number.
What does it mean? Who knows! It’s a Magic Number!
Some characteristics of your setup, such as screen pixel size, canvas scaler settings, camera size, camera FOV is resulting in that Magic Number.
When you go to your friends phone, his pixel settings might be different. His OS might report different pixel sizes even if it is the same, etc., etc.
Now your Magic Number is wrong.
Don’t use Magic Numbers.
Your job is to figure out what inputs result in 110f being the magic number on your phone, and to do it correctly so that when the screen dimensions change, a DIFFERENT BUT CORRECT number is computed.
In the Unity editor you can run in different pixel sizes (see Game window upper left). Using that feature, iterate in the editor until you figure out how to make it work on ALL pixel sizes by computing that Magic Number, not just hard-coding it.
Now you have a MUCH higher chance of it working on all computers.