Joystick not working

Hi everyone,

I’m using a Speedlink Rocketeer ViabratioN joystick with Unity3d. When calibrating buttons & axis at the control panel, everything works fine. At Unity, the buttons works fine too but the results of the GetAxis method of the Unity Input class aren’t correct.

I’m debugging axis with a GUIText

The configuration of this input at the Input Manager is:
–Gravity: 1.93
–Dead: 0.12
–Sensitivity: 4.16

Unity only recognizes one of the sense-movement, I mean, at the origin, value starts at 0 but suddenly changes to -1, and if I move forward the value still being -1, but if I move backwards value changes incrementally to 1.

It looks like a bad calibration, but the calibration at the panel control is fine.

Unity doesn’t use DInput to read Joysticks, and therefore the windows calibration won’t apply.
See here for more info.