Joystick+ rotating camera

I m making first person movement for my mobile game. I have a joystick and i want to move player by joystick and rotate player by sliding other finger across the screen like in other fps mobile games. I couldnt find any tutorial for this. I think im unable to use Input.GetTouch index, is there any tutorial for that too.? I need an example or something

Two suggestions:

  • use Cinemachine

  • look up first person camera control tutorials

If the tutorial isn’t for the new input system, that does not matter: you have two things to learn: how to gather input and how to apply that input to the camera.

So learn how to use input (any input) to control a camera, then swap the input system out later.

Here’s more relevant reading:

Refactoring any code from Old Input to New Input system (oldinput, newinput, inputmanager):

Also applies to adding new sources of input to your game.

ALSO: if you just want a functioning first person controller so you can get on with your game, here’s one:

That one has run, walk, jump, slide, crouch… it’s crazy-nutty!!

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try checking this project demo

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