I’m making a flight FPS game. Currently it only supports mouse and keyboard I would like to modify it to support a Joystick and Joystick + Thruster format. I’ve never used a joystick and would like to purchase one. Is their a standard that all joysticks follow? Is their a standard joystick that follows the default i/o options that most joysticks follow?
I hope I’m asking this right.
Yes there are some standards, but only up to a point. So it is important that you make it easy for a player to remap the buttons and axes.
Most commonly the player will have only one joystick with many axes.
Axis 0: roll (x axis on stick)
Axis 1: pitch (y axis on stick)
Axis 2: yaw (z axis: twist grip or paddles)
Axis 3 and maybe 4: (sometimes called r u and v): throttle sliders
The Saitek X52 Flight Control System is a representative of the higher end of this class of joystick. On the lower end you have Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X Flight Stick or the Saitek Aviator.
Alternately they may have two or more “joystick” devices, each with many axes and buttons. These are your hard-core simmers. A common setup is the Logitech G940 or the Thrustmaster Warthog
Device 1 is the joystick, with pitch,roll, and several other axes meant to represent trim settings or other slider settings.
Device 2 might be a throttle, with one or two throttle axes and multiple oth slider axes representing prop pitch, flaps or instrument sliders, etc
Device 3 is often pedals, with one axis for yaw (rudder) and two axes for toe brakes.
hope that helps.
This one is a pretty good joystick and will mostly function the same as a thrustmaster, minus a few extra levers/buttons.
As pakfront said, you’ll need to make it easy to remap the buttons, since different brands all have different button mappings (usually the trigger is button 0, but some companies change that).
The logitech one supports yaw (twist) rotation, has one throttle lever, a mini-joystick at the top, and several buttons - so it has a most of the common “advanced” features, it just might not have as many duplicates of them as a $100 joystick.
That’s what I needed to know. Thank you both!
Check out that input manager on the asset store… (sorry I forget the name, check the asset store forum).
Perhaps they can advise you best.
We configured an Xbox gamepad to work with our racing game, yet when people used other manufacturer gamepads (identical to the xbox controller with the same buttons), we had issues with many of them.
So yes, remapping is the best option in this case. One setting will not fit all, no matter how similar the controllers.