[JS] Getting an Error In My Money System Script

So I tried to make a very simple script where if the cube “Money” collided with “Player” (My FP controller), The variable TheMoney would increase by 50… BUT I’m getting an error saying that Money is not a member of UnityEngine.GameObject
This script is attached to the cube called “Money” and the cube has a Box Collider and a Rigid Body (BTW this is Javascript)


	#pragma strict

	var col : Collision;  
	var MoneyAmount : int = 50;
	var CurrentMoney : int = 0;

	function OnCollisionEnter (col : Collision) {

	if (col.gameObject.Money == "Player") {
	CurrentMoney = CurrentMoney + MoneyAmount;

Well, in order to use OnTriggerEnter, the collider for the money has to be a trigger. In order to use a rigidbody with a trigger collider, I would add an empty GameObject and make it a child of the money object, then add a Box Collider to it. Make that collider a trigger and set the size to about a half of a unit larger than your money object (so that the player can enter it). Here’s a picture since these instructions are kind of confusing: