JSON file working for PC but not android?

I am making a saving system for my app that uses JSON. However, it only works on PC. When I test it on Android, no file is created and no data is saved. I cannot seem to figure out what is causing it. I know the script is a bit long, but I am not familiar enough with writing into external files to know what is needed and what is not. In another file, a script has dataHandler = new FileDataHandler(Application.persistentDataPath, fileName);

FileDataHandler script:

public class FileDataHandler
    private string dataDirPath = "";
    private string dataFileName = "";

    public FileDataHandler(string dataDirPath, string dataFileName)
        this.dataDirPath = dataDirPath;
        this.dataFileName = dataFileName;

    public GameData Load()
        string fullPath = Path.Combine(dataDirPath, dataFileName);
        GameData loadedData = null;

        if (File.Exists(fullPath))
                string dataToLoad = "";

                using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(fullPath, FileMode.Open))
                    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                        dataToLoad = reader.ReadToEnd();

                loadedData = JsonUtility.FromJson<GameData>(dataToLoad);
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.LogError("Error occured when trying to load data from file: " + fullPath + "

" + e);

        return loadedData;

    public void Save(GameData data)
        string fullPath = Path.Combine(dataDirPath, dataFileName);

            string dataToStore = JsonUtility.ToJson(data, true);

            using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(fullPath, FileMode.Create))
                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream))
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.LogError("Error occured when trying to save the file: " + fullPath + "

" + e);

here are 2 different problems related to your topic