Hello, I searched converting json array or lists into variable in Unity. But I couldn’t find any specific solutions for my problem. also I’m new and learning Unity.
what I want to know is how can I change the json string data into json file in Unity, and read the values from it.
this is the json data that I want to convert into json file, and use it to read the values that I want.
other things such as frameSeq, posCount is integer so there was no problem reading these.
But how can I manage the positionList?
the positionList values will be used to spawn and place objects in my game. and it will spawn multiple objects if there is more than one set of x,y coordinates.
class Data
public int frameIdx;
public int frameSeq;
public int posCount;
public List<Vector2> positionList;
public class Json_test : MonoBehaviour
Data player = new Data() {frameSeq = 1, posCount = 2, frameIdx = 22218, positionList = new List<Vector2> { new Vector2(245, 5), new Vector2(255, 15) } };
void Start()
string jsonData = JsonUtility.ToJson(player);
Data Player2 = JsonUtility.FromJson<Data>(jsonData);
Stuck with the problem of getting the correct values of positionList…
I want to use the x,y coordinate vaules maybe like positionList.x & positionList.y
is there solution for this?
sorry for asking topics that were discussed in the fourm multiple times, but I couldn’t find key solution for my project.