JsonUtility.FromJson deserialize enum from string value

Im using JsonUtility.FromJson
Is it possible and how to deserialize enum from string value instead of int

You could do something like this, it parses a string into an enum and catches any errors that might occur:

    MyClass.m_Var = (eMyEnumType)Enum.Parse( typeof(eMyEnumType), inputString );
    Debug.Log("Warning: eMyEnumType not recognised");
    MyClass.m_Var = eMyEnumType.Default;

Then it won’t be directly doable. Are you parsing some Json that’s not generated by ToJson?

You could pre-parse the string - find every field that’s an enum value, but has a string-representation, and then switch the string with the correct int. That’d take some reflection work, and knowing the type FromJson will return.

You can also do some post-processing; after getting the FromJson result, find all the enums and set them to the correct value.

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