JsonUtility.FromJson<>() giving unexpected result

TLS Allocator ALLOC_TEMP_THREAD, underlying allocator ALLOC_TEMP_THREAD has unfreed allocations

is the error that’s being thrown anytime i call this method, also getting error: ArgumentException: JSON must represent an object type. and would like to get any further information on why i am getting this error, also i am new to using JSON. Making a HTTP request, getting the data back, debugging the data it looks correct then attempting to deserialize the data and getting this error.

The allocator error message was a bug in 5.3.0 that would happen when the JSON was invalid. It’s fixed in 5.3.1.

The ‘must represent an object type’ error is what you get when the root node of the JSON is not an object - i.e. the JSON data must always be wrapped in { and }, you can’t feed things like arrays directly to JsonUtility (yet).

I’m also getting this and also using the new Unity 5.3 FromJson<>() feature

I’m pretty sure my Json file is fine and everything seems to have loaded correctly. In fact other than knowing its spewing the message to my console everything is working fine. I don’t think it’s actually allocated more, it just seems to be rather insistent on telling me that it didn’t clean up properly.

I know that doesn’t really help you, but I’m really just posting to let you know others are also getting this new issue so I’m sure there will be a solution along shortly.

It seems my JSON file was incorrect that seemed to be the issue

Getting this in 5.3.5, any ideas?