Hello everyone,
I have recently installed unity version 2019.4.7 LTS on ubuntu 18.04 LTS and imported the standard assets and noticed that my first person character was not jumping by pressing space bar. I have checked the input keys settings in my project settings those are correct. Then i have tried Input.GetKey(Keycode.Space) and this was not working as well. Anyone using unity with ubuntu? Did anyone of you face such issue and how did you solve that? Thanks in advance.
Me too, Jump or Space is not working on 20.04 LTS, but it works when I install it on Android. Something missed here.
I’m facing the same problem on ArchLinux since version 2020.1.1f1 but only in editor game preview, everything is fine on 2020.1.0f1 and while running game after building it. I’ve tried checking what’s wrong with script that logs every key press and noticed that some keys don’t work and some other are remapped.
You can probably use Input.GetKey(KeyCode.O) as a temporary workaround.