Jump running error animation

Hello, I’m testing animations, the thing is that I have a running jump animation, but it gives me some kind of error with the jump physics in my c# file.
The animation looks something like this (gif).
As you can see, when you jump you take the physics of the animation, and then my physics, the ones I did in c#.
My jump code:

            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump"))
                IsJumping = true;
                jumpTimeCounter = jumpTime;
                moveDirection.y = jumpSpeed;
                Animator.SetBool("jumping", true);


        if (Input.GetButton("Jump") && IsJumping == true)
            if(jumpTimeCounter > 0)
                moveDirection.y = jumpSpeed;
                jumpTimeCounter -= Time.deltaTime;
                Animator.SetBool("jumping", true);
                IsJumping = false;


It looks like the animation clip is not an “in-place” type of animation.
Go to the clip (inspector) → import settings → Animation → Root Transform Position (XZ) and (Y) → BakeIntoPose = true.

Is that clip from Mixamo? If so, click the “in-place” option before exporting (same result).

Yes, it’s from mixamo, but just this animation didn’t have the “In-place” option, from the first option you told me, can it be done if it’s from mixamo?

Yes, the “bake into pose” option should work.