Jump Squeze Animation

So, I am working on a 2D game right now. I want to play for just a little time a squeeze animation for the Player when he jumps, but after that short time the player should jump like as normal again, if he’s jumping, when not then he should play another animation. I have tried to do 2 Animation and then put Exit time on the one. But somehow it doesn’t work, and just the normal animation plays. The Players never squeezes. Can someone tell me a good solution to make the player squeeze or tell me a solution to my specific problem.

You’re asking a 2D animation question on a physics forum Please keep animation questions limited to the Animation forum, thanks.

oh srry
didnt saw the animation forum
so I thought that physics would be the nearest

how can I delete it?

No worries. It’s just that you’ll get quicker answers from devs who know more there.

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