Jumping, Grounded, Object Reference

I’m making a 2D movement script with JS and can’t really figure out what I’m doing wrong. I keep getting
“NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object”
on different lines. I think I managed to fix it for var anim : Animator;, but now it’s on line 55. (Which for some reason is line 57 here.)
This is my script so far:


    var Speed : float = 80; //Max Vertical Movement Speed
    var FacingRight : boolean = false; // Is Character Facing Right?
    var FacingLeft : boolean = false; // Is Character Facing Left?
    var JumpForce : float = 20; // Jump Speed
    var anim : Animator; // The animator
    var Grounded : boolean = false;
    static var GroundRadius : float = 0.2;
    static var WhatIsGround : LayerMask;
    static var GroundCheck : Transform;
    function Start(){
    	anim = gameObject.GetComponent(Animator);
    function parametercheck(){
    function HorizontalMove(){
    	var move : float = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
    	var XAxisSpeed : float = anim.GetFloat("XSpeed");
    	var charscale : Vector3 = transform.localScale;
    	anim = GetComponent(Animator);
    	rigidbody2D.velocity = Vector2(move * Speed, rigidbody2D.velocity.y);
    	if(XAxisSpeed == 0){
    		FacingRight = false;
    		FacingLeft = false;
    	if(XAxisSpeed > 0){
    		FacingRight = true;
    		FacingLeft = false;
    	if(XAxisSpeed *Less than Symbol* 0){
    		FacingRight = false;
    		FacingLeft = true;
    function VerticalMove(){
    	anim.SetFloat("YSpeed", rigidbody2D.velocity.y);
    	if(Grounded && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)){
    		anim.SetBool("OnGround", false);
    		rigidbody2D.AddForce(new Vector2(0, rigidbody2D.velocity.y));
    function FixedUpdate(){
    	Grounded = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(GroundCheck.position, GroundRadius, WhatIsGround);
    	anim.SetBool("Ground", Grounded);
    	VerticalMove(); // Jumping and falling

There’s probably some other things I’m doing wrong too…

Edit: The less than symbol part should have that there, but the bbcode messed it up.

Can you make sure all the code you provided is formatted correctly? The bottom half is a little off so it’s hard to tell which is line 55. In any case, make sure your game object has an animator component attached to it.